Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Treasure Hunt

One very effective way to turn your job into an ally on your creative path is make a point of finding something at work that you can use in your vocation/passion every workday. I call this tactic the Treasure Hunt.

If you're stymied for ideas on how to get anything worthwhile from work besides a paycheck, use the reporter's "5 Ws" to nudge your imagination:
  • What: What goods or services does your place of work provide? Can these help you in any way?
  • Where: Where is your workplace located? Is it in an area that might have useful resources?
  • Who: Who are your co-workers? Have any of them been ever achieved a dream against odds and if so, would they be willing to share their stories with you? Could anyone provide contacts?
  • When: When do you work? If you're typically on during busy times, could any of the people you meet serve as resources? If you often work during slow times, could you use this time to brainstorm project ideas (while doing your job, of course)?
  • Why: This has to do with motivation - why you work for money and why you work on your passion for free. Can you tie your motivation for your Work-with-a-capital-w more closely to your job, maybe by listing and maximizing the good points about your job?
Each day, commit to finding one thing at work - a piece of information, a new contact, ally or organization, a bargain, an idea - that will help you along the way.

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